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Eye on the Prize: Platinum Seats Get a Snazzy New Marker + Faster Event Setups

A header image of a pick your own seat map with a diamond icon overlaid

Better Platinum Seat discovery for your fans and patrons, and save time setting up events.

Discovering Seats Just Got Easier

There's the love of the show, the love of the game, and the love of the best seats in the row. So make it easy for your fans and patrons to pick their experience! Whether they peruse the map to see a listing of all seat inventory or flip the "Only Show Platinum Seats" toggle, fans and patrons can quickly identify Platinum Seats marked with the purple diamond.

Diamonds are forever? Not quite, but the next best thing, diamonds are Platinum Seats! Your organization can promote Platinum seats with a purple diamond-shaped seat marker, with custom messaging indicating the "best" seats in the house.

A pick your own seat map with a diamond level seat slected

Set up your event 2x faster!

One and done! Set up and manage your event once, and presto! No more event duplication and no more double-selling from operation set-up errors. How's that for some time-saving and stress-reduction?

“The new Platinum marker has made the event build process much easier, saving us valuable time. Also, we have seen an increase in our Platinum sales now that the Platinum seats are available in the main event.“

Jake Reichling, Ticket Office Manager, Iowa Events Center

For more information, go to PAC Community!


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